
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lots of firsts for the Bailey family

This Sunday was our first time out to meeting. It was a gorgeous day, so we got to have meeting outside! Evie did great, slept through most of meeting and right at 3 hours (12noon), she was awake and ready to feed! She slept through lunch and part of the afternoon in my ring sling until her afternoon feeding at 2:30/3:00. Because of the rough night the night before, we napped together on the Mayers couch after her 2:30 feeding until her 5:30 feeding. We fed her at the restaurant for her 8:30 feeding and were home in time for the 11:30. Thankfully that night she went down nice and easy!

She's adapting well to the three hour schedule and it's wonderful to be able to plan the day. Of course, since she is a baby, we do make occasional deviations when she gets hungry a little sooner. These adjustments normally happen in the late afternoon/early evening because that is her fussiest time of the day. However, she is occasionally sleeping four hours at night. Hopefully we will be able to keep this up!

In an effort not to be a paranoid first time mom, I waited out the weekend before making the appointment. Today Dr. Ben saw Evie and she has been diagnosed with silent reflux. If I had not had the experience with Nicholas, I probably would have chalked it up to colic, but she was in genuine pain during a lot of the feedings. It's no fun to try to feed your baby and for them to be arching their back and neck in pain. So as of today, she is on Maalox and Zantac. Hopefully she will be back to her normal happy self in a couple of days or a week.

Today was also the first day I got some errands done with her along. I fed her at 9am before leaving for her 9:30 appointment. After her appointment (we were early?!), we dropped off her prescription for Zantac off at CVS (thank heaven for the drive-thru!), we did some returns at Target, strolled around for a while, picked up two more different kinds of bottles to try (Dr. Browns and BornFree), and then we were back to CVS just in time to pick up the prescription. She woke up right as I was signing for her prescription (it was noon, so it had been exactly 3 hours since she had eaten last), so I fed her in the CVS parking lot in the van. She went right back to sleep and slept until 3. Just finished her feeding and she is back to sleep, cuddling with me.

I'm getting excited about returning to work. She will be 5 weeks on Friday, so I am definitely looking that direction. I can't wait to see N interact with Evie. :)

This weekend we are doing family pictures with Mary S. She did Eva's newborn pictures and this time it will be the Linder family (Mom and Dad, Elliot, Nate & MJ, Pumpkin, Evie, & myself). Can't wait for a fun time!